‘So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.’ – Galatians 6:9

“It feels good, I made history tonight…I am very happy and very proud.” Words spoken by Conor McGregor after his miraculous win in 40 seconds against Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone at UFC 246 yesterday. McGregor’s win is one of awe as just a few months ago, his name would have been synonymous with the word failure. McGregor, on the eve of August 2017, was at the height of his career. He had achieved greatness, and was hours away from fighting boxing legend Floyd Mayweather.

This fight would have earned him £40 million, and even though he lost, he was expected to return with a bigger audience and an influential figure. But just a year later, McGregor found himself in trouble with the law, and this was the beginning of a downward spiral. Subsequently, McGregor found himself suspended by the sport he loved so much, disgraced. The next 18 months were arguably his most turbulent and saw him bump heads with fans and law enforcement alike. As we begin a new week,, have you given up hope?

In today’s society, failure is not an option. We have never lived in times where one’s downfall is often celebrated and propelled as news. Gossip accounts such as ‘The Shaderoom’ on Instagram have gone from a small time account to a culture powerhouse and a full-blown business with over 15 million followers. If the book of Judges were written in this era, Samson would have been an addition in the feed of The Shaderoom. His story would have been talked about for months, as a man who was destined for greatness but fell terribly. Samson was a man born for a purpose: to reconcile the Israelites back unto God. He was born with strength and power to defeat the enemies of Israel. But temptation soon fell on him.

‘ Some time later, he fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah. The rulers of the Philistines went to her and said, “See if you can lure him into showing you the secret of his great strength and how we can overpower him so we may tie him up and subdue him” (Judges 16:5). Delilah manages this, and Samson is overpowered and thrown into imprisonment, He eyes are gauged out and he loses his strength.

Once a noble and respected warrior, at the top of his game is paraded in the town and ridiculed, a laughing stock. On the day of his execution, he is positioned between two pillars and Samson cries onto God, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more…” (Judges 16:28). God heard him and gave him another chance, and with one push everything came crashing down killing him along with the Philistines.

Although Samson’s comeback was short lived, God gave him a second chance. Therefore, do not lose hope for God is a God of third, fifth, tenth chances. His grace is sufficient, so do not look at your failure for God is getting you ready for a glorious comeback!

Categories: wordup

Audrey Hagan

Chief Editor at PIWC


Freeman · 20th January 2020 at 9:01 am

Well executed Audrey ! Keep it up the extra ordinary and and the seasonal work. God bless you for your labour in the Lord will not be in vain!

Justice · 20th January 2020 at 5:33 pm

Well done Madam

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