“Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenceless” – Isaiah 1:17 MSG
LAST WEEK, NBA superstar Lebron James doubled down on his intention to continue to speak out about race and social issues – despite receiving criticism from Swedish football legend Zlatan Ibrahimovic – who said such issues should be left to politicians. In an interview, Ibrahimovic said, “Do what you’re good at. Do the category that you do. I play football because I’m the best at playing football, I’m no politician…this is the first mistake famous people do when they become famous.”

“I would never shut up about things that are wrong,” James responded. “I preach about my people and I preach about equality, social injustice, racism, systematic voter suppression, things that go on in our community. There’s no way I would ever just stick to sports, because I understand how powerful this platform and my voice is.”
Now, if you’re reading this – you may think to yourself, “well I don’t have that big of a platform – so even if I speak on such issues, no one will care.” However, no matter how big or small your platform is, the Bible still implores us to, “Say no to wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenceless” (Isaiah 1:17 MSG)

Notice, that the Prophet Isaiah didn’t mention career or status, nor did he mention that you must have one million followers on Twitter – to be able to speak out against any wrongdoing in society. Remember, our God is a God of Justice. Therefore, as sons and daughters of the most High we must imitate our Father – and that includes being at the forefront of social issues.

And so as you begin a new week don’t think of yourself as too small to share your views on what’s going wrong in society today. Instead, see yourself as an agent of change – the person who ignites a movement that eventually sparks change in Government policy and law.